Saturday, June 13, 2015

Girls just want to have fun!

A couple weeks ago when Zak was in sunny California (I am not bitter) for a wedding, I was home with the kiddos. At first, I was very envious of his little get away. But that weekend for me served as a great reminder of what it is important. In my last blog, I shared how we had ice cream sundaes and watched movies in my bed. We stayed up later than normal and we were extra silly. But my favorite day was the day that followed.

We had no plans, no agenda, and no to-do list. It was a beautiful day - sunny with no humidity and just...perfection. These are the kind of summer days that talk us Minnesotans into staying here all year long. We took a blanket and laid it out in the backyard and we just hung out. The kids would play, come back, and lay on the blanket. We ate grapes and chatted about nothing. It was bliss. As I sat there cuddling my babes, I thought -

I need more of this in my daily life.
Just hanging out in the back yard

I love this pic, she looks like she is flower child signing "peace" but in reality she is pointing to the airplane.

This past Mother's Day, my aunt encouraged me to watch the movie “Momʼs Night Out.” So to end the day, my husband and I bought the movie and we were prepared to laugh away. About 5 minutes in, I was pretty sure this movie was based on my life. I did laugh throughout the movie; but I also cried big, hot tears. I may have been a mess. I related with the main character in the movie - bogged down by the 24-hour job of being a mom; filled with agendas and never-ending days. The job we always wanted and still we find ourselves struggling.

Then this last week while my friend was doing my hair, we were chatting away and she said, "You're so busy with being a mom, going to school, your Noonday work, what do you do for fun?” I sat there and just blinked. I wasn't sure how to answer. I wasn’t sure I had an answer.

On the drive home, I realized I am missing fun in my life. Sure, I have fun when I do Noonday. I enjoy school. And I really do love being a stay-at-home mom. This last year was a stressful season. And in the “I am barely holding it all together” time, I have smiled and laughed so much less. We are coming out of this season and it’s refreshing. I feel like I can relax and breathe a little easier. I think God is teaching me about joy and finding it in all seasons. I get too wound up about the details. I need to give more to him and focus on today. The have-toʼs and the never ending to-do lists do not need to rule my life. So here are a few things I’m going to start trying to do.

1. More sleep. I need sleep to be able to smile more. No matter how much Jesus I have in my heart if I have not been sleeping, I struggle to find my joy.  In my psych class, we just read about what occurs in your body when you’re sleep deprived. It isn’t good, friends. I always knew it wasn’t pretty, but once I looked at it in depth, I totally need to get some more zzzʼs. And, of course, I am also blaming lack of sleep for the baby weight that keeps managing to stay with me. When I am rested, I am rational. I can focus and little things do not bother me much. So I am convinced that sleep will help me have more fun. I will be drinking the teas, oiling up, and whatever else is necessary. It’s been 7 years, it’s about time.

2. Unplug. From school, social media, TV, and my to-do list. I need to just to be sometimes. Whether it’s on a blanket in my back yard with the kids, going for a bike ride or taking time to journal and read a book I have wanted to read. 

3. Bring some fun and creativity into my world - not related to work, school or a home improvement project. We made a bucket list for the summer time and we are going to be scheduling in some fun activities. I have my own things on the bucket list that I want to do. And Zak and I have some together. I really want to do one of those wine and painting classes, or visit a vineyard, hear some live music(really anything to do with wine sounds pretty good to me).

4. Slow down. I am going to slow down and stop and smell the flowers. Truly. Last week I was in Rochester for a Noonday event. On the way home, I just decided to take my time. I drove with the windows down, and listened to some great 90ʼs country. I stopped at on Outlet Mall that was on my way and shopped a little and had lunch at the cutest cafe ever. I chatted with cashier and took my time in my favorite store. It was magic. I found a cool sign. I didn’t buy, although now I am wishing I did. I may have to drive back. Maybe at lunch, you go sit outside, take your shoes off, and listen to the birds and take in some sunshine. It doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive to slow down. 
5. Let it go. No I am not suggesting you watch Frozen more. Lawd knows if you have children, you have already seen this too many times. Letting go of what we can not control, the worries, the never ending to do list. We have to give it to God - focus on what we can do today and let the rest go. Let go of trying to do too much in one day. Sometimes, let go of it all and just go have a fun filled day with your kids - no multi-tasking, no cleaning, just them and you. Great, now I have "Let it Go" in my head. 

Maybe like me, you have a hard time relaxing and unplugging form the demands of everyday life. You find yourself more serious and less joyful. 

We get one life.

There will always be ups and downs. There will be days that are rough. But we can’t forget to laugh, to smile through the tears if we must. Joy and hope are all around us each day. Take some time to find what you like to do, what fuels you, what revives your soul. Now go smile and laugh and find some joy in your journey. Let’s have deep wrinkles from smiling and laughing, rather than from worrying!

"We need hours of aimless wandering or spaces of time sitting on park benches, observing the mysterious world of ants and the canopy of treetops." - Maya Angelou

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Every day life

 I decided that my blog doesn't always need to have a meaningful message in each one. Sometimes I just want to write about what we are up to. I think it will be fun to look back and read; and fun for the kids to read one day. 
The last week we have been on baby bird patrol. We have a robin's nest under our deck, which desperately needed to be power washed, but that has been put on hold until said baby birds leave the nest. Speaking of leaving the nest, we are on patrol because twice the birds have fallen out of the nest. Mama bird did not build the best nest and its seems incomplete on one side. We are also watching our Phoebe dog who would like to be closer to them. She has no killer instinct, so I'm pretty sure she wants to lick them. She is big, so she can almost reach. 
I can usually hear the mama bird squawking away when Phoebe gets too close. My middle Kellan is my animal lover and he lives on top of the deck watching them. He even got a semi-permanent line one day as his faced was glued to the top of the deck. He has given them names - Peter, Chick, and Pan(were in a Peter Pan phase).  I'm pretty certain that there are only two birds in there, but he and Liam swear there are three. So we're just going with that. 
These birds have to live, he prays every night for them. It's pressure!! I think he will cry when they fly away, too. There were storms rolling in this last weekend, so we put a tarp on part of the deck to protect the nest from getting washed away. Maybe you have a stressful baby bird situation as well, here is a great link with some info to help you. It helped us cope and realize that much of what we knew was myth.
Kellan keeping an eye on his birds
Baby birds and the Phoebe dog ever so close 

To take the baby bird drama one step further, we had one egg that did not hatch and was sitting outside the nest. I tried explaining to Kellan that it was unlikely it would hatch. He of course believe that the baby bird just needed a new nest of his own and he would not let. it. go. 
So he took a plastic bowl from the kitchen and placed napkins and paper towels in and ever-so-gently placed the baby egg right in the center. Oh how he loved this egg to take care of. He would set it in the sunshine to keep it warm and talk to “baby chick” as he called it. When his friend in the neighborhood stopped by, Kellan could not wait to show him his prized egg he was hatching. As he brought it outside he dropped it onto the grass. And before he could pick it up the unthinkable happened.  Phoebe dog, you know the one I thought had zero killer instinct, snatched it up and swallowed it whole. 
He went into full-on hysterics. He cried so hard and told me he had a broken heart. His sadness made me cry as well and I just held him for a long while. He finally settled down about 45 minutes later, but still teared up off and on throughout the day. I am sure he will be discussing this at length in therapy one day! 
Kellan and "baby chick"
Zak was gone this last weekend in California for his cousin's wedding. I so wanted to go as well, but it's the end of the school year and last week of swimming. Just too much going on. We are so ready for summer vacation and even made a bucket list of things we want to do this summer and hung it on the fridge. Bring on summer! 
So while Daddy is away, sunning himself by the pool in sunny Cali, we are had our own fun too. When Dad's away, the kids will play. We made our own little pizza, and created ice creams sundaes! We also got to have a little slumber party in our bed and watch movies! Sometimes you have to break all the rules! All in all, we had a good weekend, I only had to call poison control once and Bennett's cut finger thankfully did not need stitches. We really did have fun, but with four kids there is always something. 
I also have a few of my own trips this summer. It may not be Cali, but still will be great. This Friday, I am in Rochester for an anti human trafficking event. It sounds amazing, a night for women, all wearing white.  There will be lots of great vendors, Noonday included. Flowered crowns to wear, hot air balloon rides and more. I am turning it into a little girls' night away for myself and get to have fun and help end human trafficking. It's a win-win! Looking forward to telling you more about it. And if you are in Rochester, and want to come go to this link to register. I would love to see you there!

I also have another home project I am working on. Since we now have a new dining table, I took our old one and painted the top with chalkboard paint and am using it in the kids' play area. It will be a place where all 4 kids can fit, sit and color. The twins won't need paper they can just scribble away! 

The table is a hit. 

I also started my Intro to Psych class and I am loving it! I definitely think I have chosen the right major. Next up is Abnormal Psych and I am pretty excited for that one as well. 
This is what is new with Kane family, looking forward to long warm summer days with kiddos. Creating memories, building imaginations, homework and soaking in the short-lived MN weather. What is on your bucket list for this summer?