Sunday, September 11, 2016

Everyone Starts Somewhere

Everyone Starts Somewhere...

Ok. So. Several months ago, I joined the gym. Yes, and actual GYM, people! You may notice that my posts have an ongoing theme - Start Somewhere - Just because you can’t do everything, doesn’t mean you should do nothing. I think this is true in many areas of our lives. 

The gym is my latest adventure in “showing up.”

I had tried joining a smaller gym the previous year and it was a disaster. Bennett and Lucy would cry the entire time. I got about 15 minutes of being there the workers would summon be back. I tried working out at home. That was a disaster as well. If it wasn’t the kids interrupting me, it was the needy dog and cat. At home I find too many distractions not to get to my work out.

Don’t get me wrong, I have friends who work out at home and are kill’n it. It’s doable. It just wasn’t my jam. So here I am. To me joining the gym still feels like a luxury. We have never been able to afford to go until recently. I think treating it like a privilege motivates me to get there as well. 

Honestly, I found I need an instructor motivating me to push myself or I just slack the whole time.  

When I began at the gym, all I did was the elliptical machine, first for 30 minutes and then went up to 40-45 min. I did that for a while. Even though the scale didn’t move much, I could feel my stamina increasing and myself getting stronger. This journey isn’t about the scale for me. I’m done with the fad diets and starvation. 

I am done with the unsustainable. 

This time, I want to see what my body does if I exercise AND eat healthy, but balanced. Im going to still have cake at my children's birthdays, and there will be chocolate. This time it really has become a lifestyle for me. I have now been working out for about 5 months, 5 days every week. I have lost some weight, but less than I thought. But I have lost inches and all of my clothes fit better. Some are even getting big on me! 

I feel like this journey has layers. First, it was sleep and improving my nutrition. Then just basically showing up at the gym. Then I started taking the classes they offered. I’ve done some fun runs and I just did a 5k today. My goal was to just keep running, jogging, or wogging as my friend calls it.  Who knows what the next layer will be to bring me closer to my goal. 

I am still learning how to eat differently. I still find the classes challenging. In the beginning, I was so intimidated and too self-conscious to do the classes. It was a “live brave” moment for me! Working out in front of others is hard enough and then to do classes where its all unknown...

But this is where I’ve found the most support. I have encouraging instructors and friends who meet me there regularly. I have have found it humbling as well. I have been the girl who has literally hit her face on the floor doing push ups. I have dry-heaved into a wastebasket after trying a heated class that had to be at least 95 degrees. I have fallen, tripped, had my shoelace stuck in my bike, and been so sore that I considered buying padded toilet seats. True story. 

I have found what works for me and what doesn’t. But if you’re worried about embarrassing yourself, don’t worry I am already out there doing that for you, come join me! 

It’s green eggs and ham. You may be surprised what you like, and how much support is really out there. I was. I have a magnet on my fridge that I read every day - “life begins at the end of your comfort zone” - Neale Donald Walsch. The more I do that and live that way, the more true it becomes. The more alive I feel, the more I learn and laugh. 

Always laugh. 

I think the biggest fight we women face is comparison. But this is YOUR journey. Every body is different. Some can eat horribly and rarely work out and have a 6 pack. I don’t know why this is. I don’t get it either. Life isn’t fair. You can only worry about your own journey, do what you can, and ultimately accept who you are. 

This is still a challenge for me. I have to remind myself daily not to compare and focus on my own path. Every workout I still have to tell myself not to compare - not to wish I was like this or that. I remind myself that the only person I am competing against is myself. I have goals -  realistic ones for my body. This time, as I am on the healthy lifestyle route, I am finding more and more that this is all about peace with myself, accepting who I am and owning it and loving it. Life is too short to avoid putting on that swimsuit and getting out with your kids, to be able to go on that bike ride, and hike to see that sunset. It may not be easy, but its worth it. 

My Pastor years ago wrote a book called “Change Before You Have To.” It’s a great read and I recommend it. That’s what I am trying to do here. Change before something serious happened, I want to live knowing I gave it my best shot. I want to be a good example to my kids and especially my daughter. I want them to strive for health not skinny, not unattainable standards society has put on us.

These last few months have taught me a lot too. I am stronger, braver, and more capable than I think I am. I no longer feel tired all the time. I am more active with my kids. Kellan has become my bike ride companion. Liam has joined me on runs. And the twins love to go on walks with me. Taking care of myself more has made me a better mom, wife, and even friend. I am still on my journey. I am not where I want to be. But I am not where I was and I’m excited to see where I will be in the next 5 months. You may not be ready for a 5k, but start somewhere. Say yes for you, and see where it will take you! 

PS. I really love Julie Morris and her cook books link here- 

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